Investigations rss_feed

Integrity Herman von Hebel

Herman von Hebel, the chairperson of the independent Commission for the evaluation of the integrity of candidates for the position of member in the self-administration bodies of judges and prosecutors - the Pre-Vetting Commission, worked from March 8, 2013 to April 16, 2018, as a Registrar at the International...


ECOCIDE in Ukraine - 3: Time bomb for Moldova

Ecocide in Ukraine, provoked by Russian military aggression, which has been going on for almost two years, has consequences for neighboring countries as well,...

Human rights

FRONTLINE DOCTORS: Who defends their rights

Healthcare workers were among the first to be hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Exhausting shifts, extensive work, work for two, three or more...


Greek magistrates did what justice in Moldova didn’t: former international expert sentenced to 2 years in prison for pedophilia

Eight years after the publication of an investigation of the Center of Investigative Journalism about a network of pedophiles in Moldova and Ukraine, Greek...

Activities rss_feed

Cod de conduită al angajaților CIJM pentru prevenirea și combaterea exploatării și abuzului sexual asupra copiilor

Media NGOs regard public admonitions against journalists as an attempt of intimidation

Media NGOs are concerned about the attitude of the members of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) towards the investigative journalist Mariana Rata, who...


UNDP awards 5 corruption investigations carried out by the Center for Investigative Journalism

Five out of nine investigations awarded in a competition for best journalistic corruption investigations organized by UNDP, were accomplished under the projects carried out...

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