ECOCIDE in Ukraine - 3: Time bomb for Moldova

ECOCIDE in Ukraine - 3: Time bomb for Moldova

Ecocide in Ukraine, provoked by Russian military aggression, which has been going on for almost two years, has consequences for neighboring countries as well,...

FRONTLINE DOCTORS: Who defends their rights

FRONTLINE DOCTORS: Who defends their rights

Healthcare workers were among the first to be hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Exhausting shifts, extensive work, work for two, three or more...

Greek magistrates did what justice in Moldova didn’t:  former international expert sentenced to 2 years in prison for pedophilia

Greek magistrates did what justice in Moldova didn’t: former international expert sentenced to 2 years in prison for pedophilia

Eight years after the publication of an investigation of the Center of Investigative Journalism about a network of pedophiles in Moldova and Ukraine, Greek...

Vlad of Arabia: properties, interests and connections in the Middle East

Vlad of Arabia: properties, interests and connections in the Middle East

● The leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova Vlad Plahotniuc reported for the first time a series of business and interests in the Middle East. ● Moldova has strengthened its relations with the countries of this region in recent years.  ● One of the intermediaries is the Trans-Oil patron, Vaja

Who are the winning candidates in uninominal constituencies Nb.35-51

Who are the winning candidates in uninominal constituencies Nb.35-51

Following the processing of 100% of the reports, 51 candidates in the uninominal constituencies will accede to the future legislative after the elections are validated. Reporters of the Anticorupţ portal carried out these candidates’ profile, their welfare and the scandals targeting them. About the winners in the constituencies Nb. 1-17, read

Who are the winning candidates in uninominal constituencies Nb.18-34

Who are the winning candidates in uninominal constituencies Nb.18-34

Following the processing of almost 100% of the reports, 51 candidates in the uninominal constituencies will accede to the future Legislative after the elections are validated. Reporters of the Anticorupţ portal compiled these candidates’ profile, their welfare and scandals targeting them. About the winners in the constituencies Nb. 1-17, read here,

Who are the winning candidates in uninominal constituencies Nb. 1-17

Who are the winning candidates in uninominal constituencies Nb. 1-17

Following the processing of almost 100% of the reports, 51 candidates in the uninominal constituencies will accede to the future legislative after the elections are validated. Reporters of the Anticorupţ portal compiled a profile about the candidates in uninominal constituencies and their property.  About the winners in the constituencies Nb. 18-34,

Generous sponsors of judges

Generous sponsors of judges

Dozens of judges from the Republic of Moldova received last year expensive gifts from parents, parents-in-law and relatives. Either it's about flats, houses or money, in some cases the value of the gifts amounts to thousands of lei. While magistrates say that donations are due exclusively to the generosity

INFOGRAFIC // Harta primarilor penali din Republica Moldova

INFOGRAFIC // Harta primarilor penali din Republica Moldova

În cinci ani, din 2013 până în 2017, procurorii au intentat peste 100 de dosare penale în privința primarilor și președinților de raioane. Este un calcul elementar al reporterilor Centrului de Investigaţii Jurnalistice care au analizat informaţiile din surse deschise şi au discutat cu mai mulţi edili. Cel mai des, în

Apartments at low price for magistrate Oleg Melniciuc’s mother and relatives in the residential block for judges

Apartments at low price for magistrate Oleg Melniciuc’s mother and relatives in the residential block for judges

The head of the court Oleg Melniciuc, his mother and some of his relatives will get apartments and commercial property in the residential block on the street Hristo Botev 6 in Chisinau, which is currently being built for the magistrates of Rascani District Court in the capital and for

Ukraine-Moldova-Transnistria: golden triangle of smuggling

Ukraine-Moldova-Transnistria: golden triangle of smuggling

Almost every month, law enforcement officers of Ukraine report about delaying of alcohol and cigarettes smuggling from Moldova. However, in Ukraine the quantity of smuggled goods does not become less–“Privoz” in Odessa, which is one of the oldest and largest existing markets in Europe, is crowded with contraband cigarettes.

Roma girls - from school to early marriages

Roma girls - from school to early marriages

Stereotypes and poverty close their way to school. Many Roma girls get married when they are teens and they abandon school. Most of them do not finish the 9th grade because they are forced to stay home and take care of younger brothers and household. The authorities do not


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