Children in Moldova start drinking early in primary grades and when they grow up, most of them get drunk at least once. Cases of...
Hundreds of children have returned home after boarding schools closed, and authorities have pledged to create conditions to prevent families ‘separation. Many services for...
The moratorium on controls leaves room for people who violate the law and employ children. For several months, State Labor Inspectorate does not have...
They work by halves and leave children defenseless rather than protecting them. It's about some mayors, doctors, social workers and teachers who are required by law to work together to protect children. After the inter-sectoral mechanism of cooperation for the identification, assessment, referral, assistance and monitoring of child victims
Dozens of children in Moldova fled their countries. They came together with their parents as they escaped the bombing and persecution and wanted to find a safe and quiet place. Most foreigners, who applied for asylum or humanitarian protection lately, are from Syria and Ukraine, Pakistan, Afghanistan and several
Children who have been beaten or raped do not longer benefit from friendly questioning rooms for children when they reach the age of 14, although the law contains a provision to this effect. They are often put face to face with the abuser and have to tell in detail
Thousands of children in the Republic of Moldova meet their parents once in several years. Relatives or random people take care of these children who most often end up in the statistics about violence and abuse. Authorities say that such cases can be prevented if parents before leaving, award
Over 70 children from the auxiliary boarding school Grinauti-Moldova in district Ocnita reintegrated into their families and in the community after the institution was closed. They do not want to ever return to the boarding school that deprived them of childhood. VIDEO// Elena Moldoveanu, Marin Bogonovschi Though the boarding school in Grinauti